Sep 17 1995 to May 3 2015 is exactly 1024 weeks.

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Bob Martin <> wrote:

> My Tymserve 2100 gps unit (Rev 4.1) thinks it's 1995 -- September 17, 1995.
> But a restart (connect via telnet and give the commands util restart)
> brings it back to the correct time and date -- for a while? I haven't
> caught it dropping back, so i don't know if it's doing this on the hour,
> after an hour, or what, but I noticed it last night, and I've restarted it
> a few times today.
> Any clues?
> I know about the off-by-a-second issue with the pending leap second. This
> one is more interesting!
> So far I've just been issuing software restarts. The next time I'll power
> cycle the sucker and see if that does any good.
> GPS signal isn't the issue; the 2100 shares an external GPS antenna with
> my Thunderbolts through a Symmetricom 58536A GPS splitter, and the
> Thunderbolts are as happy as a Thunderbolt can be.
> cheers
> bob k6rtm
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