
The problem with coils (inductors) is that they are indeed on the “other side” 
of the physics / electrical engineering divide. They are not unique in this 
Most components are dealt with to a “equivalent model” level and then abandoned
in engineering. 

You have two choices:

1) Read the physics stuff
2) Go back far enough that the divide had not occurred ( <= 1950’s).

Sorry about that ….


> On Jun 22, 2015, at 2:02 PM, Attila Kinali <att...@kinali.ch> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking up some stuff and realized (again) that I don't know
> anything about how magnetic electronic components (inductors/solenoids,
> transfomers, baluns, ferrite beads...) work. Yes, I can calculate
> the inductance, I know how to get from the AL value to number of
> windings. But I don't know anything about the practical issues
> or where they come from. Unfortunatelly, this knowledge seems to
> generally rare among EEs (at least everyone I asked in the last
> couple of years) and books about it are either long out of print
> (with no pdf available) or more geared towards the physics student.
> So, does anyone have any recomendation where I could read up
> on this? Books, pdfs, webpages,... anything.
> Also something that covers more the application side, ie how to
> use ferrite beads/toroids to build devices, would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
>                       Attila Kinali
> -- 
> I must not become metastable. 
> Metastability is the mind-killer.
> Metastability is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
> I will face my metastability. 
> I will permit it to pass over me and through me. 
> And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. 
> Where the metastability has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
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