I've got a project I'm working on to make a sophisticated sundial with moving mirrors. I've got a batch of Arduinos that move the mirrors to the appropriate places, given the current sun angle, etc.

I've got a beaglebone that runs some python code to calculate sun angle based on time

The beaglebone will have a GPS feeding it to get time.

BUT now, I'd like to add a web interface, so that it can be manipulated by a mobile device using a browser.

One way I can think of is to run some sort of limited web server. there are a couple that come with the beaglebone, including the python "simplehttpserver".

But I'm sort of stuck on the interface between the webserver and the other code running.

I've done this kind of thing where the one task goes out and updates files in the tree that's being served by the web server, and that works fine for "status display" kinds of things that don't update very quickly. It's also nicely partitioned.

but I want to be able to change the behavior of the system (e.g. by having the server respond to a PUT or something)

Is the best scheme to go in and modify the webserver code to look for specific URLs requested, and then fire off some custom code to do what I want?

I'm not particularly interested in javascript, and would prefer python.

Or are there libraries that make this more cookbook? (the little "getting started with beaglebone" book talks about flask)

There's quite a few websites out there where someone has done some sort of "home automation", but they tend to be a bit light on the analysis of pros and cons of implementation architectures: "I built X using Y and Z and it sort of works".

Actually, along a similar line.. my "solar position" code isn't very pretty (it's sort of replicating some code I wrote in Basic a long time ago, with some changes from stuff I cribbed from ccmatlab). If someone knows of a python package that just "does this", I'd love to hear about it. Either Az El, or X,Y,Z in ECI or ECF would do.

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