On 7/6/15 3:19 PM, Tom Harris wrote:
Since you want simple just use a CGI script written in your language of
choice. Very easy technology to learn, Python has support libraries out of
the box if you want. You have a webpge with carious simple controls on it
like buttons etc, you click a special button that posts a request to a URL,
the webserver runs a script that generates the response, the webserver
serves it out, your browser displays it. Why bother with learning a
framework? Messing about with mechanics is far more fun!

The only hiccup with the cgi approach (and with "directly code the action in the guts of the server" like with flask) is that the subprocess that's spawned has to complete before control returns (e.g. to serve stdout to the user). So if you want to fire off a task that will run in parallel with the webserver's other stuff, you need to have some sort of interprocess communication (e.g. a named pipe, socket, file, MPI communicator, etc.). (or you do something like run "at" or "batch", which is basically using a file as a interprocess communication, and the at daemon watches the file)

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