I don't want to muddy the water too much, but I'd second going all-digital, along the lines of what Bob L. recommended earlier. It seems like you just need to make some specific delay times, so various logic counting or shifting circuits should be just fine - and well-defined and understood.

If you go with coaxial delays, the loss and dispersion may cause much analog grief to determine how much compensation and amplification is needed, and the thresholds for comparison for squaring it up. This is especially aggravated with long lines.

In the hundreds of meters range, it may be better to go with optical fiber instead. The bandwidth can be huge, and losses will be tiny, even into km lengths, and all kinds of E/O and O/E conversion parts are available for the ends. There can be some timing jitter due to the noise of the conversions, and AGC issues, but probably less than the noise associated with adapting long coax cables to this task.

Another option may be acoustic glass delay lines. I don't know if any are made nowadays, but they were common in TVs and VCRs, with time delay somewhere in the horizontal line duration range, and very compact. It could be that there are many more kinds for various applications (or maybe all obsolete - replaced by digital).

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