
So in the context of the original post, exactly how many Loran-C disciplined 
cell phone systems were there? … errr .. none. 

The *only* systems that use any sort of external disciplining are GPS based. 

Self contained or “not disciplined” does not count in this case. 


> On Feb 26, 2016, at 7:19 PM, Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org> 
> wrote:
> Bob,
> Nope. Cell phones have been using land-lines for ages to sync up. It was with 
> the CDMA stuff that GPS phase was starting to be used to coordinate. GSM for 
> instance does not need GPS on the base-stations, it even goes to lengthy 
> extends to avoid it. CDMA didn't come into much use over here. GPS wasn't 
> even there when cell phones got started. It is only lately that GPS have 
> become a more integrated part of the system, but as GLONASS has become more 
> popular more base-stations support that too, in order to support AGNSS. 
> Landlines still provide an interesting backup and big efforts is invested on 
> the sync-networks.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
> On 02/26/2016 11:56 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> Hi
>> ….. ummm ….. errr …..
>> Cell phones since they first came out have *never ever* been setup to run on 
>> anything other than GPS. Retrofitting them to use something else would take 
>> a decade or more. We didn’t “destroy the backup”, there never was one. 
>> Pretty much all of our surplus gizmos are cell tower surplus (like 99.99%).
>> Bob
>>> On Feb 26, 2016, at 11:57 AM, Burt I. Weiner <b...@att.net> wrote:
>>> Maybe I'm misreading what you're saying, but no matter the cause, it points 
>>> out what can and does happen when you put all the mission critical eggs in 
>>> one basket.  That we don't have as reliable as possible a backup system, or 
>>> why we destroyed the one we had, is mind boggling.  This is a perfect 
>>> example of what happens when you have people who don't understand the 
>>> problem/s making the wrong final decisions in spite of having been warned.
>>> It is my belief that if we are to be so reliant on these systems for so 
>>> many things, we need to have a functioning backup system in place.
>>> Burt, K6OQK
>>>> Mark Sims wrote:
>>>>>> When is some organization going to explain what happened in February for 
>>>>>> almost two hours starting at 00:16 GMT?  That subject has gone silent.  
>>>>>> Rob, NC0B
>>>>> I heard back from NAVCEN.  They said it was a Trimble issue and that 
>>>>> Trimble would contact me (they didn't).   But that does not jive with 
>>>>> reports of failures in Motorola, Navman, etc receivers.
>>>> I think we need to distinguish here.
>>>> The January 26 issue was due to faulty data sent by the satellites,
>>>> which caused GPS receivers to apply a wrong UTC correction which caused
>>>> the UTC time to be off by 13.7 us.
>>>> As explained by Luc Gaudin from http://naelcom.com (who obviously sell
>>>> Trimble GPS receivers) the February 13 issue was indeed just a Trimble
>>>> firmware problem. See:
>>>> https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2016-February/096042.html
>>>> https://www.febo.com/pipermail/time-nuts/2016-February/096050.html
>>>> Martin
>>> Burt I. Weiner Associates
>>> Broadcast Technical Services
>>> Glendale, California  U.S.A.
>>> b...@att.net
>>> www.biwa.cc
>>> K6OQK
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