Well,  Lady Heather finally got off her ample ass and dug into the tao of X11 
and all things Linuxy.   The program is currently working well enough to 
display log files, etc.  Serial port initialization for non-blocking 
asynchronous I/O needs to be completed.   I have it working on a couple of 
Ubuntu Mate boxes  (X86 and Mac Mini power pc G4) and a Raspberry Pi 3.  I need 
to tweak the Pi color palette initialization code... the bastards defaulted it 
to a 16 bit RGB 565 frame buffer...
One thing that will probably not be supported is sound file support...  playing 
.WAV files asynchronously does not seem to come naturally to Linux.  Does 
anybody know of a simple / lazy bastard way to play a sound file in the 
background from a C/C++ program...  I'd really like my GPS disciplined singing 
clock to work.

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