> Le 8 juin 2016 à 15:55, Nick Sayer via time-nuts <time-nuts@febo.com> a écrit 
> :
> I’m contemplating trying my GPS board with an FE-405B. That’s a different 
> kettle of fish, but at the end of that, if I’m successful, one of the goals 
> would be to be able to use it for the external reference of my 53220A. 
> Unfortunately, 15 MHz isn’t one of the options - only 1, 5 and 10.

I saw the same, which put me off trying to do the same. However I am not sure 
that your approach will work as the specs for the external clock indicate:

 - EXTernal  selects an external reference signal applied to the rear panel
Ext Ref In  connector. The signal must be:
•  1 MHz , 5 MHz, or 10 MHz
•  100 mVrms to 2.5 Vrms
•  sine wave

Your output is digital, no? It may function but I wouldn’t trust it.

It is a no brainer to get a sine from a square wave, BUT , I seriously doubt 
that the excellent ADEV can be maintained with all that flipping and flopping 
going on. I even doubt that it could be kept in a pure sine implementation. 


> So I did some googling and found a divide-by-3 circuit using flip-flops, and 
> then designed a board for it:
> https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/jxXp7wYM
> The circuit uses 3 D flip-flops and 3 NOR gates and has a 50% duty cycle 
> output that’s 1/3 the frequency of the input. The OSHPark project has a 
> pointer to the original blog post that has a schematic. The only difference 
> between their schematic and mine is that in theirs, the third flip-flop has 
> an inverted clock input. The third NOR gate inverts the clock to achieve that 
> in mine (also one flip-flop and one NOR gate are unused and have the inputs 
> tied high).
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