If you have to regulate over ambient temperature as high as 120C, you need
an oven that regulates at a higher temperature, maybe 125 at least or 130C.
You will have a lot of issues with long term reliability with something
that operates 24/7 above 120C.
Have you looked at a Peltier junction that would let you regulate at a
lower temperature like maybe 50C or so over the range you describe?
Peltier junctions can heat and cool and are not too difficult to use.
The actual temperature stability you try to achieve will dictate how much
insulation you need from the environment, but if you only need to regulate
within one or 2 C, you may not need a complete enclosure.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 4:05 AM, Guillermo Sobreviela Falces <
guillermo.sobrevi...@uab.cat> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am currently looking for a temperature compensation system for an IC
> (Temperature range from -40°C to 120°C and chip area of 1cm x 1cm). This
> compensation system has to be external to the IC and, as the power
> consumption is not the main problem, I have been looking for a crystal
> oven. The ideal solution will be a PCB compatible oven, but it also can be
> an external element.
> I have found some mini ovens in http://www.isotemp.com/ (Set point +35°C
> to +95°C), but seem to be quite small for my IC. I would like to know if
> there are other companies selling only the oven packaging for OCXO systems
> with a similar size to this:
> http://www.vectron.com/products/ocxo/ox-208.pdf
> Greetings and thank you all in advance.
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