Hi Mark.

> Le 14 sept. 2016 à 03:51, Mark Sims <hol...@hotmail.com> a écrit :
> Okee dokeee...  here it is.   Not much difference.   The initial step is 
> smaller,  but it still spikes.  After that things are pretty much the same.   
> After it cool down,  I'm doing another run with the initial voltage set to 
> the peak of the spike.
> One slight difference was with the new initial voltage setting (closer to the 
> current 10.00000000 MHz operating point),  it appeared to acquire satellites 
> a few seconds faster (but that could just be luck of the draw).  Setting the 
> initial voltage to something far off of optimum would be interesting... I 
> seem to remember it taking several minutes to acquire.
> (Gratuitous astro feature plug...   Lady Heather can show moon 
> rise/transit/set/age times in addition to the sun times)

I just upgraded from 3.0 beta and was hoping to get these additions from your 
download page, but the V4.00 version doesn’t appear to have them. I see from 
your screen shots that you are up to V4.08. Is this available to the nuts 
public? Another Q. I see that with 4.0 I see « LEAP: PENDING! «  whereas on 
your V4.08 screen shot I see the countdown. Where does LH get this info from?

> ----------------------
>> I would be very interested to see the result of another dead cold start 
> of this same Tbolt, with INIT set to 0.518v.  Of course, the time at 
> which the second satellite is acquired (hence, the temperature of the 
> crystal when discipline begins, and thus, the exact DAC voltage required 
> for a stepless transition, will be a bit different from one start to the 
> next, so it won't be perfect.  But it will be a hell of a lot better 
> than starting from 0.499v).
> <tboltpup2.gif>_______________________________________________
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"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who 
have not got it. »
George Bernard Shaw

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