Not just GPSDO's...  now works with just about any GPS receiver, timing or 
otherwise  (and with GPSD).   Code is now pushing 60,000 lines. 

From: Scott Stobbe <>
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 6:27 PM
To:;; Discussion of precise time 
and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lady Heather's plotting functions

The joys of a small display, why couldn't I see that. Many thanks Mark & Peter.

Soon to be the emac's of gpsdo's (in the good, can do anything sense) well done.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:27 AM, Mark Sims 
<<>> wrote:
You can set the view interval to any value with the "V" keyboard command 
(default is one second per pixel, 1 minute per horizontal division).

Above the plot area is a section that give the view interval in total time (60 
minutes in those plots) and time per division (5 minutes per division).   Lady 
Heather logs all the data in a circular buffer and when it fills, the oldest 
data is replaced by newer data).    The default plot queue size is 3 days... 
the /q command line option for can change that (n.b.  and error in the help 
screen says the default is 30 days).

Lady Heather decimates the queue data to fit the plot interval by skipping 
values.  The F D keyboard sequence lets you apply an averaging filter to the 
displayed plot data.  The value is the number of queue values to average.

You can scroll around the plot queue data from the keyboard (arrow keys, page 
up/down, home, end, etc) or with the mouse (left button hold at the center of 
the plot area, move the mouse to the left or right of center to scroll left or 
right,  the farther the mouse is from the center of the plot, the faster it 

Normally Lady Heather scrolls the plot to the left automatically, but if you 
are reviewing plot data, the scrolling is suspended (press DEL to resume normal 
scrolling plot displays).

You can set/remove up to 10 markers with the = and - keys.  To go to a marker, 
press it's number.  You can jump to the next anomaly (like time stamp skips - 
show with a red tick at the top of the plot) with the % key.

Normally Lady Heather auto-scales and centers the plots (indicated by a '~' in 
the REF (center line value) and scale (units/div) values above the plots.  You 
can set fixed reference and/or scale factors (indicated by an '=' in the REF 
and scale factor values via the G keyboard menus.  There are also options for 
changing things like what statistics (AVG/RMS/MAX/MIN/SPAN, etc) to show, plot 
colors, etc)  These can be changed globally for all plots or individually for 
each plot.

You can also have Lady Heather do an FFT of a given plot.

You can do a screen dump of just the plot area (W G command) or write an ascii 
log file of the shown plot area values (W P).  The next version of Lady Heather 
also supports writing logs in XML, KML, or GPG file formats. You can also do 
automatic screen or log dumps on a periodic basis from the T keyboard menu or 
the command line.


>  Pardon my lack of knowledge regarding Lady Heather, what is the x-axis
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