On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 6:15 AM, Dave Martindale <dave.martind...@gmail.com>

> If the "big digital clock" doesn't display the time with fractional-second
> precision, then it only needs to be updated at 1 Hz, which can be done with
> the 1 PPS directly.  Consider replacing the 32 kHz crystal, divider chain,
> and microprocessor with a new microcontroller that takes 1 Hz input and
> drives the display in the same way.
> For an extra bonus, use a microcontroller with a serial port, and connect
> the GPS receiver serial output to the serial port on the micro.  Then you
> can decode the serial data stream from the GPS, and automatically set the
> clock to the correct time after a power failure - something the original
> clock could not do.  As a double bonus, make the clock display leap seconds
> correctly when they happen.
> - Dave
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 10:03 PM, Lee - N2LEE via time-nuts <
> time-nuts@febo.com> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Does anyone know of a device that will take a 1PPS GPS timing signal
> > and generate a 32.768 kHz sine wave output ?
> > I have big digital clock that uses an 8 bit micro processor and an
> > external 32.768 crystal. Obviously the external crystal is
> > awful for accuracy.
> >
> >
> >
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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