They can be if you store them in something like an ammo box.   If they "go off" 
in the sealed box the pressure builds,  the reaction rate increases 
exponentially,  and voila... shrapnel time.   There's a video out there showing 
the results.   

Most people recommend storing them in nomex/kevlar "cell bags".   I keep mine, 
bagged,  in an unused/unplugged oven!  If one goes off,  hopefully the flames 
won't spread to the rest of the property and the hinged oven door allows 
pressure to escape.

Hobby RC packs are one of the most dangerous type of rechargeable lithium cells 
out there... even from "reputable" sources and brands.   A local hobby shop 
twice had  brand new name brand packs sitting on the shelf go off.  A friend of 
mine had the same thing happen carrying a just purchased pack home in his car.


> They aren't bombs, guys.  Use sensible precautions and get on with it
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