Hi John:

It is still an effective tripling or quadrupling of the cost.

I purchased a "non profit" license several years ago for $129.  "Non
commercial, 4 layers, up to 160 sq cm., all functionality enabled."
They converted this to a "standard" license over time.
A license was good for the life of a major version, such as 5 or 6.
When 7 came out, I had to buy a new license for 7, but it was at the
existing customer upgrade price, which was $69.

So $129 initially, then $69 every two or three years or so, as new major
versions came out.
Now they want $100 per year.

--- Graham

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 4:14 PM, John Ackermann N8UR <j...@febo.com> wrote:

> Autodesk just sent a follow-up to my "new price model unacceptable"
> complaint a few days ago.  It looks like they are going to upgrade the
> "Standard" subscription ($100/year) to support 4 layer boards up to 160
> cm2, which I think matches the current standard version capabilities.
> Here's a thread from the Autodesk forum:
> http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/eagle-forum/a-path-forward-for
> -the-make-license-a-step-up-for-standard/td-p/6823182
> This is effective with the next release, which is supposed to be out in a
> couple of weeks.  (In the meantime, I've made sure to download every flavor
> of installer for version 7.7.0, just in case...)
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