Although I didn't have a way to log the temperature, I did have a couple of 
thermocouples on the coil of coax.   The coil was rather tightly wound... maybe 
7" OD,  3"ID, and 3" tall.  One thermocouple was  on the outside and one buried 
in the center of the coil.   They stayed within a couple of degrees of each 

Coax in that configuration seems to be rather thermally "dense".  It took over 
2 hours to approach room temperature equilibrium in open air.  I suspect the 
results would be quite a bit different with coax on a spool with a much greater 
surface area to volume ratio.   I want to try it again with the coil well 
insulated and chilled overnight.


> A single sensor will only give you precise information if the temperature 
> ramp is *very* slow (as in days …). 
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