Thought this might be of interest ---

I own couple BNC (Berkeley Nucleonics Corp) instruments, and get ads from 
them occasionally. Perhaps someone in the group might be interested, since 
we all are interested in measuring and limiting phase noise in our sources. 
Obviously, they are promoting their technology, but they might have 
something new and interesting to offer.

Take advantage of this opportunity to register for BNC's Evolution Series 
webinar focusing on our highest performance Phase Noise Testing system yet, 
the model 7330. This webinar being held on Wednesday, May 17th at 10am PST 
offers a glimpse into the future of phase noise testing technology and its 

Be ahead of the curve with RF Instrumentation for the modern engineer.

A complete turnkey PC-Driven solution providing measurements from 5MHz to 
33GHz with offsets from .01 Hz to 100 MHz

Users enjoy the portability, durability, and reliability of an 
"interface-less" PC-driven package designed with the user in mind. Unrivaled 
and powerful performance that is extremely easy to use, with measurements 
performed with a simple click of a button.

Advanced measurement tools provided are: Pulsed measurements, Amplitude 
Measurements, Ultra-low noise internal references or external references 
with a -185dBc/Hz noise floor, Absolute and additive measurements together.

Register using this Link
Come see the best solution for VCO characterization, ATE requirements, 
Amplitude measurements, and Pulsed capabilities!
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