I recently got in an HP-58503B GPSDO from a local equipment liquidation 
auction.  I had to pay too much, but wanted one to verify Lady Heather's 
support for the HP GPSDO's.  It powered up at the equipment auction preview. 
but not when I brought it home.  After replacing the power supply with a 
Meanwell RQ-15C - $20-$40 instead of $375 for the PowerOne that was in it   and 
replacing the GPS receiver (it had a lot of difficulty tracking more than 2 
sats)  I have it working properly now.  

The unit has 83,000 hours of run time.  I think it was last powered up in 2013. 
  After a week the holdover uncertainty is around 8 us  and the  DAC is at +43%.
The display is a bit dim and blotchy.   Does anybody have a replacement display 
that would look better?  Contact me off-list if you have one or know of a 
time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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