Hi Chris and list,

On 5/15/2017 1:22 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:
Are you still going for Sidereal time?  If so that is floating point

I'm not sure how Sidereal time came up...it wasn't one of my goals and after reading the discussion, it's going to be way past what I think I can understand, never mind program onto *anything*. ;)

This is my favorite under $2 boards now - http://r.ebay.com/9UasSq

That blows my mind! $1.62 shipped. Amazing! I read what you wrote on different boards and I've got a lot of poking around and reading to do. The idea of dropping a file onto a USB-looking drive is very appealing to me. And they seem to be very cheap. To be honest, being more towards the "idiot" end of the embedded programming spectrum, I'm really thinking I should stay with slower, simpler, and more well documented stuff. If I knew what I was doing...I'd probably be ordering up some of cheaper, more off-the-beaten-path stuff that's way less expensive.

One more bit of advice.  Buy a logic analyzer.   I was using one today and

I've been on the lookout for a dedicated bench one at a good price...but nothing has tickled my fancy. I'm going to order one of those $10 Saleae clones this evening. That Saleae clone analyzer would be just the ticket to see if the time information is coming from the serial port before the 1PPS tick. This is what is written in the little TruePosition information we have and would be nice to verify. :)

Thanks much and 73,
ben, kd5byb
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