As a spirent user in another context

Most Sprient software is supplied only if you subscribe to software maintenance 
which is understandable due to the limited customer base and the concomitant 
small pool of possible revenue they simply cant afford to give software away.

> On Jun 25, 2017, at 6:50 AM, Peter Vince <> wrote:
> Our favourite auction site has someone selling a Spirent GSS4100 GPS
> simulator cheap, "for parts", as it is untested.  I'm guessing the vendor
> has no clue HOW to test it, especially as they have no software to go with
> it, so am hoping it might actually be OK.  Worth a punt, anyway.  However,
> the download link for the "SimCHAN v2.02" software on the Spirent site
> doesn't work, and they have yet to reply to my email.  Does anyone have a
> copy of that software?  While not "freeware", it was provided with the
> equipment (on a CD), and is no use without the hardware, and vice-versa,
> and if that CD has been lost by the original hardware owner, it seems
> reasonable for the new owner to ask for a copy of said software, and so my
> conscience is clear in asking for a copy.
> Thanks in advance, Peter Vince
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