
on 04/08/2017 15:36  you wrote:

> Answer to second question:  For GMT time display set the time zone
> name to GMT with a time zone offset of 0.  (TZ keyboard command TZ
> GMT,  command line option /tx=GMT).

> First question:  Yes Heather can set your system clock (assuming
> the program has access privileges to the change the clock.   Check
> out the TS keyboard command or /ts? command line options.   The
> clock setting routine is rather rude and crude.  It just jams the
> system clock with the receiver time on a once per minute/hour/day
> interval or whenever the receiver and system clocks diverge by more
> the "x" milliseconds.  The main purpose of the time set feature is
> for use when you don't have a net connection or NTP available.

> The next version of Lady Heather has the ability to echo the
> receiver data (in either native format or NMEA format) to another serial port 
> / IP address.

> And for radio operations Heather has the ability to display the location in 
> Maidenhead format.
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Thanks  to  everyone  for the replies, so basically would you say that
with  a permanent internet connection I should forget using GPS time to
set  the  PC  clock  and  just use Meinberg or NTP (which is what I am
currently using and seems to work just fine)?

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

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