On 9/6/17 2:46 PM, David G. McGaw wrote:
It also produced a CME.  Read the note on spaceweather.com.

David N1HAC

On 9/6/17 5:19 PM, Alan Melia wrote:
The flare has been and gone!.......is this another case of journalists
mixing up a flare with a CME ?

CME was earlier this week, whether it is connected to the subsequent flare, or it's just coincidence is a question of heliophysics.

This is somewhat poorly understood - in fact, in a few years (2021 - NASA funding willing) we're going to put some satellites into orbit above GEO to look at radio emissions (Type II radio bursts) from the sun connected with CMEs. Time-nuts connection is that we're going to be doing interferometry among the multiple satellites which means the independent recordings have to be time synchronized for processing. We're planning on using GPS satellites on the "other side" of the earth, grazing the limb, and a suitably stable onboard oscillator. I don't imagine I have to explain the general timing concept to this particular crowd<grin>.

The idea is that we can see more of the physics of the creation and emission of the CME, and more importantly, *where* the changes are occurring as the CME evolves.

CMEs, as the name implies, occur in the corona. Flares are tied to sunspots, and occur in the surface or deeper. Granted, both phenomena are all tied up in twisting lines of magnetic fields, so there may be some relationship among them.

I'm just learning all this heliophysics stuff - all I have to do is build, launch, and operate the satellites - Top women and men on the science team will do the physics with the data.

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