On 11/7/17 1:30 PM, Ole Petter Ronningen wrote:
Not knowing better, I would expect there to be diurnal effects due to the
ionospere being in the shade or not. I suspect there are people on this
list that know better.

Anyway, the effect I am seeing is also very slowly drifing, see screenshot
of about 20 days of data below. The daily variation varies quite a bit. I
am not sure this can be explained by ionospheric activity, but then again I
dont know much about what goes on up there.

As mentioned, I also have L1/L2 data from the same period, I believe it is
possible to extract or at least estimate the Total Electron Content from
that data somehow, but I do not know how - it gets pretty arcane pretty
quickly for a layman.


has a nice discussion with simple equations to turn TEC into delay, etc.

You might also look into seeing if you can put your data in a form to be processed by GIPSY at JPL - they have a service where you can upload your raw observables and they post process it.


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