Hi Oleg,

On 05/12/2018 07:20 PM, Oleg Skydan wrote:
> Hi!
> From: "Bob kb8tq" <kb...@n1k.org>
>> There is still the problem that the first post on the graph is
>> different depending
>> on the technique.
> The leftmost tau values are skipped and they "stay" inside the counter.
> If I setup counter to generate lets say 1s stamps (ADEV starts at 1s) it
> will generate internally 1/8sec averaged measurements, but export
> combined data for 1s stamps. The result will be strictly speaking
> different, but the difference should be insignificant.

What is your motivation for doing this?

I'm not saying you are necessarilly incorrect, but it would be
interesting to hear your motivation.

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