On 5/6/20 7:33 AM, Chris Howard wrote:

At my current job we were looking into delay timings of video systems.

We were doing end-to-end measurement by putting a time display in front of a monitor
and have the camera show both the time display and the monitor.
It looks a bit like the old infinite mirror.
If you arrange things right it shows two images of the time display
one that lags the other.  And the difference is the round-trip delay.

When I'm on Skype and my co-worker shares his screen, I can see my own
camera image come back to me in a similar way.

So if I were to point my camera at a rolling time display, he shares
that image back to me, I could take video (with a second camera)
of both the live time display and the delayed.

OK, but this is sort of a manual measurement.
Ditto for looping back a tone and using an oscilloscope.

What I was wondering about whether there's a way to do it in an automated way - fire up N webex/zoom/skype "conferences" solely for the purpose of testing. For instance, this morning was a "very bad day" for Cisco's webex, and it would be interesting to collect performance statistics over time.

And to explore the nature of the anomalies - are they "packet drops", "resends", random delays, etc.

Much like the folks did in the early days of NTP development.

Some others had suggested ways of doing it "during a call" which is interesting. I wonder if there is a way to intercept the video and audio traffic within the OS and "tee" it off to a analyzer.

Last time I looked at doing that kind of thing, I was foiled at every turn with Windows, because of their sensitivity to digital rights management - you don't want someone "tee"-ing copyrighted material to storage and redistributing. I would expect that Mac OS X is no different. It may well be that the conferencing applications don't bother to use the "protected content" capability. I know that folks at work have found ways to chromakey their webcam feed before feeding it into the Webex video input.

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