Am 13.05.20 um 13:35 schrieb Bill Notfaded:
I've been trying to find a base PCB design to use too.  In the interim I
bought some boards from Gerry Sweeney that sells them for HP5313x frequency
counter OCXO upgrades and supports different footprints.  Open source
design is even better.  OSHpark is great.  Please post it!

Here it is:

<    >

These are the Gerber files as used by PCBway to produce my boards.

2 buglets:

- the 2 mounting screws for the 10811 should be slightly bigger.

  Drill as needed

- Unless the oscillator delivers only a small signal, the 2 emitter capacitors should

  each get 22 Ohms in series to adjust gain.

This will be addressed in V3. Circuits are included, comments and small change

requests are welcome, could be done shortly thanks COV19.

cheers, Gerhard

Bill E.

On Tue, May 12, 2020, 11:59 PM Matthias Welwarsky <>

On Dienstag, 12. Mai 2020 20:53:25 CEST Gerhard Hoffmann wrote:

Ten boards did cost $5 at PCBway, DHL wanted $25 for transport. :-<
I can publish the Altium Designer project or the Gerber files when the
1st ten are used up
and there has been somewhat more testing. The number of possible
is quite large.
If you publish the Gerber files, People in the US can use OSHPark for
the boards made, in EU is probably the best option.


Cheers, Gerhard

Am 12.05.20 um 19:52 schrieb Wes:
Does anyone know of a ready made board that will allow me to mount and
at the least, minimally support the operation of an MV89A oscillator.
I have one which I've powered up deadbug style and would like to clean
up the mess a little.


Wes N7WS

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