> FWIW I don't have spurs at 10MHz.

Have you looked carefully?  I have to zoom in on the bandwidth in order to see 
it.  Somebody else called it a birdie.

My unit came from R&L.  I'm reasonably sure it's genuine.

If I look at 10 MHz center and 25 or 100 k span, there is a faint something 
down in the noise.  Most of the time, the marker that automagically ends up on 
top of the highest peak is in the middle.  At a quick glance, there is nothing 
there.  If I look carefully, there is usually a small bump about 3 kHz wide.   
 It's easier to see at 25 kHz since it's wider.  It's faintly visible on a 

That's with the antenna terminated or when I wander down the street.  There is 
a similar thing at 50 MHz.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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