Am 15.04.21 um 10:12 schrieb Rex:
Thanks for that info (below) about Win 10 turning off auto updates.

I think I got gpedit installed on my Win 10 Home and have made these changes. Nice.

Does anyone know if there is a way to get Win 10 to stop nagging me about creating/fixing a Microsoft account?  -- "Microsoft account problem -- we need to fix..." I don't want an account. To paraphrase an old movie -- Accounts... we ain't got no accounts. We don't need no stinking accounts.

BTW My one Win 10 PC is dual boot with Linux Mint.

I did read from converging sources that this here:
is the only solution that really works.  I did not test it. Web site is German only.

I no more give WIn-? control over an entire hardware machine.
I run Win in a VMware virtual machine on top of Linux Mint. The network
of the VM ends at the host computer, so even Win7 is never exposed
to the bad, bad world.
Every other week I give WIN10 internet access after saving a copy of
the virtual machine. Then it can pull updates and reboot as often as it likes.
Allowing/denying internet access is just two mouse clicks on VMware.
No more phoning home.
VMware is transparent for USB2/3. Even the Xilinx FPGA dongle works,
and the DG8SAQ network analyzer which has some real time requirements.
The no-cost VMware player is enough.


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