On 11/27/21 7:33 AM, Andy Talbot wrote:
Just been reading your adventures with 3 Cs clocks, a mountain and 3 kids,
but I can't make the estimate of time dilation work out.
You measured ~ 23ns and say it agrees with calculation

The equation quoted in a related reference, for "low elevations" is  g.h/c²
which if you plug in g = 9.81 m/s²  and h = 4300m for Mt Rainer gives an
expected value of 4.7 * 10^-16.
Over 2 days, 2 * 86400s, that would be 81 ns in total, four times your value

What am I missing?

Was just speculating what Ben Nevis at a mere 1340m height might offer

Considering the parking lot is around 200m, carrying the clocks and power to the top might be moving from a moderate walk to the strenuous category. One might also want to do this in summertime, so you've got a few months to plan the expedition.

I wonder what the highest road in the UK is?

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