On 12/10/21 12:09 PM, Hal Murray wrote:
Does anybody have numbers for how long it takes for a visual signal to get
into your brain?

I think it's around 250 ms for a human to push a button when a light goes on.
Less if the penalty for false pushes is low.  I don't have a handy URL to back
that up.

But that's in and back out.  I assume the "in" step is only part of that.

Are flashes out of the corner of your eye that might indicate danger faster?

If 2 lights go on at close to the same time, how far apart do they have to be
before you can notice that one goes on first?

Oddly, something I have some practical experience with, see [1]. Using electrodes on your scalp, and flashing a light (or pattern), you can measure how long it takes for a response to show up.  The latency, particularly, comparing the two hemispheres, has diagnostic value. As children get older, the response time gets faster (perhaps some fundamental maturational thing?)

It takes about 80-120 milliseconds for your visual cortex to respond to a sudden change. We flashed checkerboard patterns, because your visual system tends to filter out uniform stimuli - blurry images have less response amplitude than sharp, but the time is the same. To actually interpret the stimulus takes about another 50-100 milliseconds (you get what's sometimes called a "recognition peak" at around 300 milliseconds).

Button pushing can actually be faster, because you are "primed" for the stimulus - think drag racing christmas tree, or Jeopardy, where you can only buzz in after the cuing lights have come on. I'm not sure if it's actually a faster response, or whether you're really responding to the priming stimulus. (I'm sure someone has studied it, I did my thing >40 years ago).  Also, if the light is repetitively flashing, your brain will sync to it, sometimes quite impressively - It's some form of oscillator locking, and I'm sure you could analyze it as such. (for my research, we did random intervals, so that the flash response is random against the larger background activity)

Flicker fusion/distinction is a whole other set of things. That is substantially shorter time (i.e. you can tell the difference between two flashing lights with much shorter delays).

The physiological response time is independent of where it occurs in the visual field, at least for the 100 millisecond P1 response.

All of these "decision making" kinds of things (as opposed to the raw cortical processing, which looks for edges) are VERY dependent on things like brightness, attention, fatigue. There was a wealth of research into people looking at things like radar displays. One thing that humans are *really* good at is seeing patterns in noise (even if they aren't real - your brain wants to see structure), so blinking lights with slight irregularities in the pattern are easily detected.



 Detection of Learning Disabilities Using the Visually Evoked Cortical

Lux, James P.*Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus**; Thorofare* Vol. 14, Iss. 4, (Jul/Aug 1977): 248-253.
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