Hello Erik,

could you elaborate on your setup? Which oscillator (OCXO?) are you using to drive the STM32's PLL?

I'm currently toying around with a (presumarly?) similar configuration. An RCB-F9T's 1PPS fed into an STM32G4's 32-bit timer capture to reference the 1PPS to a local oscillator with ~6 ns resolution, subsequently generating a stabilized 1PPS using another output channel of the same timer. The STM32's PLL is still using a cheap chrystal, but I'm currently working on replacing that with an OCXO.

Best regards,

On 01.04.22 18:19, erik at kaashoek.com (Erik Kaashoek) wrote:
Nice, I'm trying to do something similar. But without the PICdiv or the
TIC measurement. Only the GPS PPS into the STM32 and the stabilized PPS
is generated by a timer in the STM32
First step was to measure against the running average of the GPS PPS.
As can be seen in attached Timeplot measurement the phase error is (when
temperatures stabilized) in the order of 10ns.
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