For the people that checked out my repository at I'll try explain what my "virtual
io" is for.

I've tried on the past achieve something like etcl did, I mean a self
contained interpreter with the ability to mix c code.

I've tried to use libtcc but it depends on auxiliary files been installed
on a specific folder and nee be distributed along side the
interpreter/embedded application.

Then I started this "virtual io" and with a bin2c program that allow
incorporate the auxiliary files directly inside the library/interpreter.

To test the idea and achieve a self contained tcc that doesn't depend on
auxiliary files installed elsewhere I've created a small script that does
that "mk-it" on my distribution, to achieve a small self contained tcc it's
best to edit config.mak and change "CFLAGS=-Os" and run "./mk-it" the
result tcc is self contained and can be used from anywhere without any
auxiliary files/folder.

Cheers !

On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 7:13 PM, grischka <> wrote:

> Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
>> Hello all !
>> I finished phase1 of code refactoring of tinycc to remove global
>> variables, not all global variables are removed yet but most of then are,
>> with that it can cross compile all platforms on my linux X86_64 and till
>> only on real test was done on linux.
>> Here you can find the repository to test yourselves
>> any comment/suggestion/patch are
>> welcome.
> For the lazy typers and in order not to go to far past 80 cpl
> I'd suggest 's1' instead of 'tcc_state' all over the place.
> Not sure whether vtop (and all that) needs to become tccgen_vtop
> etc.
> Section stuff (text_section etc.) would more logically belong
> to tccelf rather than tccgen.  (I once wanted to move those,
> and add some interfaces such as elf_new()/elf_delete(), but ...)
> C99 declarations past statement or declaration of size_t in
> user code hurts other compilers.
> Your 'virtual io' should maybe go in a 'contrib' directory, and
> have some readme explanation. (otherwise it is useless for
> other people).  Though, struct fd is NOT nice.  There are
> probably much less intrusive ways, say with 3 simple #defines
> on top and instead slightly more intelligent custom functions
> that supports int fd's).
> If any possible avoid mixing the refactoring with other fixes
> or improvements, whatever those are.
> Btw. did you use some special tools (and if yes, which) or
> just find&replace?
> --- grischka
>  Thanks for your time, attention and great work !
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