On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 11:37 AM, Michael Matz <matz....@frakked.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 18 Oct 2016, David Mertens wrote:
> > According to Christian, we have at least one major compiler (VC++) whose
> > behavior matches tcc's current behavior and another (GCC) whose behavior
> > differs.
> Yes, I've implemented the GCC way privately already (necessary for e.g.
> linux kernel).  Need to clean this up, sigh.
> > While it would be nice to just pick one implementation and go with it, I
> > am personally much more concerned with binary compatibility with one's
> > major compiler of choice.
> Exactly.  Actually also GCC itself has different implementations.  E.g.
> when configured for windows (or with -mms-bitfields) it implements the
> microsoft way, otherwise it defaults to the old PCC layout, which GCC uses
> on most UNIXen and other operating systems.  There're also minor
> variations for the latter e.g. on ppc64, but those wouldn't concern us.

Should we add this as a compiler flag to tcc, perhaps?

> > Here is a patch that makes the bit field size logic match gcc. I can
> > confirm that the original alignment bug is gone (though other alignment
> > bugs may yet be around). I am not 100% sure if this is correct, but I
> > throw it out there for folks to mull over. Note that indentation may not
> > be consistent; the indentation pattern in the existing code was weird.
> > Finally, it might be more efficient to use (bit_size & 7) rather than
> > (bit_size % 8), or optimizing compilers might do that for us anyway; I
> > leave that to the gurus.
> >                          } else {
> > +                           size = bit_size / 8;
> > +                            if (bit_size % 8) size++; /* round up */
> > +                            lbit_pos = bit_pos;
> >                              /* we do not have enough room ?
> >                                 did the type change?
> >                                 is it a union? */
> >                              if ((bit_pos + bit_size) > bsize ||
> > -                                bt != prevbt || a == TOK_UNION)
> > -                                bit_pos = 0;
> > -                            lbit_pos = bit_pos;
> > +                                bt != prevbt || a == TOK_UNION) {
> > +                                lbit_pos = bit_pos = 0;
> For instance, this is wrong for PCC layout.  MS layout indeed switches
> storage containers when the base type changes, i.e. here:
> struct S {
>   char  c:1;
>   short s:1;
>   char foo;
> };
> PCC layout has no such provisions.  But the base type _does_ influence
> alignment of the containing struct nevertheless.  Except if the bitfield
> has :0 size, then it _does_ force the next field to be placed into a new
> storage container.  It's all quite terrible and twisted :-/

I question the wisdom of targeting the binary layout of pcc. It's a neat
compiler, with an aim similar to tcc, but developer time and resources are
limited. I'd vote for just MSVC and GCC compatibility as a start.
(Presumably we get clang for free with that.) If anybody later comes along
with inclination, they can extend it to handle PCC layout.


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  Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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