
I love TinyCC, it permits to stay focused on your C code when you can
install a full C toolchain.

I am compiling the Lua interpreter, both Lua stable 5.3.5 and the latest
Tcc compiles the source files without problems.

And without debugger options, the simple test of the Lua interpreter works
    lua -v
    Lua 5.4.0  Copyright (C) 1994-2020 Lua.org, PUC-Rio

Now I add the debugger options -g -b :
* Windows:  -Wl,-subsystem=console -g -b
    lua -v
    no output

* linux:   -DLUA_USE_LINUX -g -b
   lua -v
   bcheck.c __bound_ptr_add: 0x7fffffffe66f is outside of the region
   bcheck.c bound_error: invalid pointer
   /opt/packages/tcc.sh: line 49: 19914 Segmentation fault      ./lua -v

>From the output I cannot understand if this instrumentation is working and
there is a problem in Lua, or there is a problem in the tcc instrumentation

I read at https://bellard.org/tcc/tcc-doc.html
    "Note: -b is only available on i386"
Does it mean cannot work on intel, 64 bits cpu ?

Best regards, Massimo
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