Trying tcc with OpenLisp, I get:
Making amalgamation from temporary amalgamation.c
amalgamation.c:14157: warning: implicit declaration of function '__builtin_nanf'
amalgamation.c:44658: warning: implicit declaration of function 
amalgamation.c:73738: warning: implicit declaration of function 
tcc: error: undefined symbol '___builtin_bzero'
tcc: error: undefined symbol '___builtin_huge_val'
tcc: error: undefined symbol '___builtin_nanf'

For example, NAN is defined in math.h as

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#   define    HUGE_VAL     __builtin_huge_val()
#   define    HUGE_VALF    __builtin_huge_valf()
#   define    HUGE_VALL    __builtin_huge_vall()
#   define    NAN          __builtin_nanf("0x7fc00000")
#   define    HUGE_VAL     1e500
#   define    HUGE_VALF    1e50f
#   define    HUGE_VALL    1e5000L
#   define    NAN          __nan()

From my ./configure I find that I need to link with : -Wl,-no_pie with is not 
supported. I can fix this one in when I detect that tcc is used 
but it may be silently dropped by tcc.

More to come...

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