Yakov <exeb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kyryl you cannot inline everything because you will get code
> explosion, often infinite code explosion when functions have a
> circular dependency on each other. I am just talking about inlining
> certain functions carefully chosen by a programmer.

Yeah, I get that. That's why it is so hard to make such a tool.
Because recursion is hard to decompose, so the inliner has to be
smart enough to actually rewrite the recursive solution iteratively
otherwise it will blow up. But that actually opens up a massive
opportunity for optimizations, because lets be real - recursion 
sucks and there is never ever a situation where it's actually 
useful for the cpu to do. And yes, the unary() function in tcc
which is recursive sucks a lot too, there is just so much 
state in there that it's very difficult to understand what is
going on. Luckly I have been looking at that code for more
than a year, so my grasp got better, but if that were iterative,
I be loving it even more.


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