Detlef Riekenberg wrote:
Hi List.

My commits from the last 2 month where reverted.

And why without any comment?

Fixing simple bugs to make tcc more usable for all developer should be our goal.

Hi Detlef,

of course, simple bugs fixed is good, as long as no other simple
bugs are created at the same time.

For example, you removed .exe from c2str.  No comment what the
problem was.  But then c2str wasn't cleaned up anymore, as well as
not .gitignored.  In the sum two simple problems more that we had
in exchange for one problem less which we didn't have.

Just nitpicking, hope you don't mind.

Overall the commits all had a notion of preliminary, of proposals,
calling for other people to do the "real work".  As you noted in
one of them:

   "The code needs to be fixed: use the functions or remove them."

I really fixed some of them and decided to just drop the others.
I think that is more than you could expect.  If next time you decide
to do the real work yourself, including the necessary care not to cause
unwanted side effects, also to make them fit somehow nicely into the
rest of the code, and also spend some thoughts yourself on whether
or not tinycc really is the best place to solve some problem,  then
nobody will feel any need to touch your patches.

*Example Bug fixed, but patch reverted:
* arm64-tcc helloworld.c -o helloworld
No longer possible.
Startfiles are in /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib
Includes are in /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/include

Well, could you maybe share the possibly more interesting part of
your "OOTB Experience", too?   How did you make that arm64-tcc?

-- grischka

The tcc pakage from the OS is too old
and provides only i386-tcc and tcc (on x86_64),
but not for arm, arm64 and other targets

Bye bye ... Detlef

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