First off, Hi guys!

Got a bit of a puzzler here, for my own edutainment I've written an apache
module that loads, compiles and runs C code (think php but C)

Everything is working okay, except that I can't call functions that I add
to the function table.

I did have to hack tcc to not load crtn.o as for the life of me I couldn't
get tcc to load it (but that shouldn't be an issue? - its not needed for
tcc -run)
end of tcc_add_runtime commented out tcc_add_crt(s1, "crtn.o") in tccelf.c
(I'm on void Linux btw)

I have a function

typedef void(*fp)(char*);

void foo(char* s) {
    ap_rprintf(saved_r, "foo says %s", s);

which I can call within the module happily with
    footest = tcc_get_symbol(s, "foo");
    footest("foo sym test<br>");

either before or after calling the tcc compiled code and it works just fine.

however if I call it in the tcc compiled code I get a seg fault
interestingly if I pass a function pointer as a parameter the function call
works fine !

here's the test code that I'm testing (the commented line is the seg
void foo(char*);
typedef void(*fp)(char*);

int main(fp f) {
    f("*** Hello from Cscript ***<br>");
    //foo("*** Hello from Cscript ***<br>");
    return 123;
also if anyone can enlighten me as to why libtcc can't find crtn.o and
confirm that its not actually needed (i think in this case?) I'd appreciate
it - I did try adding the correct path for my system in tcc.h

Thanks for taking the time to read this...
All the best


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