I just pushed a change with the following commit message.
I'm sending this because the instructions say to chat it up after pushing.

Allow use of a custom allocator in libtcc

    When using libtcc it's reasonable to be able to use the application's
    memory allocator for all allocations, including tcc_new(), and including
    #define MEM_DEBUG

    Ideally the allocator would be stored in the TCCState, like
    That would imply a new API tcc_new_with_allocator(), but more
    would require all uses of tcc_malloc(x) to be changed to
    That's a non-starter in my book.

    Instead I refactored the memory management code so that all allocations
    flow through tcc_realloc().  Which simply calls a function pointer, the
    default value of which is the previous tcc_realloc().

    It then becomess trivial to install a new allocator with the new
    LIBTCCAPI void tcc_set_realloc(TCCReallocFunc realloc);

    The resulting code adds the trivial cost of an additional function call
    per allocation/free.  It also doesn't distinguish between malloc failure
    and realloc failure, but since both just fprintf then exit() that seems
    unimportant to me.

    On the plus side the preprocessor magic is much more clear.  The diffs
    don't hightlight that, but take a look at the result to see if you

    All tests passed on my x86 linux box.
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