Nice list roballen -- I'm going to mine it for a couple I didn't think of.

True though what you say: tabs are easy to add and most info is peculiar to the 
type of business or the country involved anyhow.

@opix: I didn't think it made sense to have the contact in partners either at 
first, but then I thought of the nice, easy separation it gives to private HR 
details and stuff that can be (and needs to be) known company wide. Plus you 
can find all the contact info for any /person/ in one place.

Also, the main company is a partner and certainly employees are contacts for 
that company, so it makes sense. Plus why dupe all that code in multiple 
places. So nice in one spot I think, so I disagree with you on that one.

Besides, if nasty entities like government agencies are in there, important 
people like employees should be there in partners too :-)

I'm glad F. posed this question. I just see that one as just for username, link 
to contact and a sensible place to hang off all the other tabs for payroll data 
and skills etc.

Regards, Paul Evans

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