I did other experiments and i found that, with little data size, the nodes are 
able to send and receive all packets they generate. So it's definitely a memory 
problem. But i think not to use so much memory and i free, when i can, the used 
structures. Remember i need a buffer chain in each node cause i store incoming 
packets and then i create new coded packets from these buffers.
Now my question is: with Micaz motes, tinyos 1.x, how much memory in ROM and 
RAM can i use?
and is it possible to use the FLASH memory?if yes how?and what's the size of it?
 If possible, i'd like to receive very precise informations for understanding 
my problem in the best way.
Thanks very much for your availability

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Michael Schippling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Thu 7/27/2006 9:25 PM 
        To: Munaretto, Daniel 
        Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU 
        Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Help with real node behaviour!Micaz,tinyos 

        Sounds like your buffering scheme is overflowing and crashing the mote. 
        One clue is that I seem to see a lot of length 5 buffer pools in TOS... 
        You might want to double check that you are freeing buffers after use. 

        Munaretto, Daniel wrote: 
        > Hi all, 
        >  after a lot of simulation in TOSSIM, i uploaded my programs on the 
        > By reading the leds, i'm able to understand what happens. 
        > If i run on motes a normal flooding, it's all ok. All packets are 
sent and received. 
        > But if i run a more complex program, where before broadcasting 
packets i code packets i stored in the node's internal buffer, i notice i 
cannot receive over 5 packets (in my experiments i generate 8 packets per 
node). But if i run only one mote, it's able to generate all packets.

        >  So if i run 2 nodes, one seems blocked or crashed after receiving 5 
packets (Leds stop to work, fixed on a color or void) and the other one 
continue to send packets in a properly way.

        > I made with several motes and it's the same, also changing batteries. 
        > Anyone could help me, please? 
        > i don't know what's wrong, in TOSSIM was all ok. 
        > And i'm using micaz motes, tinyos 1.x, after compiling i see: used 
RAM=1657 bytes, used ROM=19600 bytes. 
        > Thanks very much, i hope someone could answer to me! 
        > cheers 
        > Daniele 
        > _______________________________________________ 
        > Tinyos-help mailing list 
        > Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU 

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