Yeh, that's really important!I think it will be quiet useful me too!

However, about TinyAlloc, I don't understand the meaning of:
"if a single dereference is to be stored, the handle must be locked first"
How is it possible to lock something as a pointer?
if for example i need to handle a pointer to a buffer, how should i work?
and how Handle is defined?

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: David Moss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wed 9/13/2006 6:22 PM 
        To: 'Diego Bartolomé Arquillo'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU 
        Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] low power listening in tinyos-2.x for CC2420 
        I am in the final stages of implementing a CC2420 low power listening 
library for TinyOS 2.x.  I'm not intending it to be compliant with any kind of 
standard; instead, I want it to be functional.  This does not require long 
preambles, and does not require peer-to-peer synchronization.
        Initial results on a tmote indicate 5.09 mAh/day at 2-second receive 
check intervals.  This will probably get lower.
        Since it's not quite finished and I'm not sure if/when I'll contribute 
it, I'll explain how I have implemented this in case you want to try it 
        Summary: On the Rx end, it's a periodic channel energy check.  On the 
Tx end, it's a repetitively transmitting message.
        1. Edited CC2420TransmitP to provide a "CC2420Cca" interface that 
allows external components to sample the status of the CCA pin when the radio 
is on and not doing anything.  The "getCca()" command simply verifies the state 
is good to go, then sets the backoff timer to the CC2420_BACKOFF_PERIOD.  The 
backoff timer fires, ensuring the Rx mode has been set for enough symbol 
periods for the CCA pin to be valid, and then sends back the reading in an 
        2. Built a CC2420DutyCycle component that duty cycles the CC2420 radio 
on and off.  After the radio turns on, the CCA is checked three times in a row. 
 If one of these checks indicates that the channel is *not* clear, then someone 
is transmitting.  The radio is left on indefinitely at this level, only to be 
turned back off again by higher levels of this architecture after packets are 
done receiving.  If nobody is transmitting, turn the radio off immediately.  
Total time the radio is on (in the current version): 3.7 ms from start to 
finish, but most of that time is spent at a lower power (<5mA) starting up the 
        3. Built a low power listening module that provides send/receive 
interfaces and sits on top of the duty cycling component.  When low power 
listening is enabled, the duty cycling is turned on.  When a message is 
detected and received at this level, the message is passed up to the 
application level and leaves the radio on for a brief period of time in case 
other messages are coming.  If this time expires, the radio turns off and 
continues duty cycling.  Ideally, an ack is returned as well.
        On the transmitting end, the send event in this LPL module actually 
retransmits the message over and over again up to the length of the duty cycle 
period, and adjusts the backoff period to be very short so there is not much 
space between messages.  If an ack is heard, it quits transmitting early (an 
advantage over the long preamble method!) and signals sendDone. Otherwise, 
sendDone gets signaled after the duty period expires.
        There you have it, low power CC2420 duty cycling, very similar to 
CC1000's BMAC.  
        The new TinyOS 2.x CC1000 low power listening does energy checks on the 
channel as well, instead of preamble checks, only firing up the bias of the 
radio and leaving the rest of the radio off.  This receive check ("RSSI Pulse 
Check") scheme does not require long preambles if your message (with short 
preambles) is being sent over and over again for a full receive period.  By 
sending repeating messages, you can also cut the transmission length short if 
you receive an ack in the middle, saving on Tx energy and decreasing 
transmission latency.  I've tested this.

                -----Original Message-----
                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Diego Bartolomé Arquillo
                Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:24 AM
                To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
                Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] low power listening in tinyos-2.x 
for CC2420 ?
                Hi Avinash,
                Low power listening have not sense using CC2420 because this 
chip is compliant with the standard IEEE 802.15.4. This standard defines a 4 
bytes preamble length and LPL needs a long preamble in order to work properly. 
The CC1000 is not compliant with 802.15.4 and allows you to change the preamble 
length. When you send a packet using LPL, a long preamble is transmitted. The 
recipient of the packet is idle and periodically it scans the channel to look 
for a packet. If the preamble and the period are adapted, the recipient can 
receive the useful information of the packet.
                Best regards,

                De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de 
Avinash Sridharan
                Enviado el: miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2006 2:35
                Para: tos
                Asunto: [Tinyos-help] low power listening in tinyos-2.x for 
CC2420 ?
                 I am working with the tmote sky platform and running 
tinyos-2.x (beta 2) on it. I wanted to check with the community if there is low 
power listening support existing for CC2420 based platforms in tinyos-2.x. Low 
power listening was introduced as BMAC by Joe Polaster in tinyos-1.x for the 
CC1000 chips, but I could not find reference implementations of BMAC for CC2420 
in tinyOS-2.x. Also if BMAC is not available for tinyOS-2.x (atleast in the 
near future) is it available as part of the Boomerang distribution. 
                Phd Dept. of Electrical Engineering
                University of Southern California

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