The functionality you’re interested in - reliably link layer transmissions -
is included in the CC2420 radio stack in the PacketLink interface.  You can
add the PacketLink layer into the radio stack by adding
CFLAGS+=-DPACKET_LINK into your Makefile.  In your software, instead of
requesting an acknowledgment, setup a reliable packet transmission through
the PacketLink interface:


call PacketLink.setRetries(&myMsg, 5);

call PacketLink.setRetryDelay(&myMsg, 0);


This will automatically retry sending the packet 5 times, with no delays
between retransmissions.  When you get a sendDone() event back, you can
check to see if the packet was delivered either by calling
PacketAcknowledgments.wasAcked(&myMsg); OR by calling


You are receiving multiple packets at the base station because
acknowledgments are just as unreliable as sending any packet.  If an
acknowledgement is dropped and you have to retransmit, then the base station
will receive duplicates.   The PacketLink layer, combined with UniqueSend
and UniqueReceive layers in the CC2420 stack, prevent duplicate packet
receptions due to dropped acknowledgments.  There is more documentation


Finally, there is already a delay built into the send for the acknowledgment
wait period, and you will not get a sendDone() event back until an ack was
received or the ack wait period timed out.







[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Juan
Antonio López Riquelme
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 9:33 AM
Subject: [Tinyos-help] Problems with ACKs in TinyOS 2.0.2




I am working with TinyOS 2.0.2 and payload of 29 bytes. Two remotes nodes
send messages to node with BaseStation application.


I changed BaseStation program to work with 29 bytes of payload and
acknowledgements. I compiled with address 0. In BaseStationP:


#include "AM.h"

#include "Serial.h"

#define TOSH_DATA_LENGTH 29    //Added line

The Makefile:




include $(MAKERULES)

The remote node requests an ack before to send the  message:

call ACK.requestAck(&PaqueteDatos);

if (call EnviarDatos.send(0, &PaqueteDatos, sizeof(MensajeDatos)) ==

And finally the code at sendDone event:

event void EnviarDatos.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t error) 
    if (&PaqueteDatos == msg) 
        enviarDatosBusy = FALSE;
        enviados = enviados + 1;
        if (!call ACK.wasAcked(msg) && intentos < REINTENTOS)
                intentos = intentos + 1;
                //New iteration with the sensors
                intentos = 0;

If the ack failed the program tries to send the message 5 times. At the
computer sometimes I get the same message twice. Can the program requiere a
delay between sendDone is signaled and check the acknowledgement?


Thanks, Juan Antonio.

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