On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Annette Taylor wrote:

> Well, this is not a reference, per se, but last night we were watching
> Whose Line is this Anyway (or something like that, hosted by Drew Carey--
> a take off on a British show with a similar name that ran on the comedy
> cable network)--the creativity of the individuals was INCREDIBLE!
> I think it's supposed to seem like they are doing it off the top of their
> heads (improv), but I doubt it--like everything else on TV it has to look
> good so I suspect there is some practice and prompting that goes on.
> But for some comic relief in class, it would be a great idea to tape
> a few segments--in fact I'd be surprised if a relatively quick lit 
> search wouldn't come up with some items relating creativity to comedy.
> annette

      The Bob Newhart show and Frasier would probably fall in this
      category.They do lots for Psychology and Psychiatry.

Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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