On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Linda M. Woolf wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm using Walden Two in a class this summer and while surfing the web, I
> ran across a Walden Two community's web site (Los Horcones:
> http://www.loshorcones.org.mx/).
> Anyway, it says the following.  I would love to get your feedback on
> this.


Their list is good; right on. One thing is missing: Treated as a
technology, Applied Behavior Analyis WORKS.


> Behavior Analysis is misunderstood when:
> 1. It is said to be mechanistic, to consider human beings as machines,
> or robots without feelings,
> emotions or thoughts. See Behavior Analysis
> 2. It is said to be reductionistic, to consider psychological events as
> biological or physical.
> 3. It is said that it reduces human psychology to stimuli and responses.
> It is said to be based on
> Pavlov's ideas. It is said that human behavior is conditioned reflexes.
> 4. It is said to deny freedom and dignity, asserting that human behavior
> is predestined. It is said that
> human beings are slaves of circumstances and that nobody has dignity
> because nobody has merit.
> 5. It is said to be based on logical positivism, which means that we are
> able to study only that can be
> observed and verified by two people. It is said to deny the existence of
> feelings and thoughts because
> they can not be observed by others. It is said that human beings are
> black boxes.
> 6.It is said that it is not a science but Skinner's theory alone, that
> it is based on his very personal way
> of conceiving human behavior.
> 7. It is said that behavior scientists are interested in manipulating or
> controlling people.
> 8. It is said that it is a cold and dehumanizing science.
> 9. It is said that it denies the uniqueness of the individual, meaning
> that every person respond to the
> same stimulus in the same way. It is said that humans are machines.
> Thanks,
> linda
> --
> linda m. woolf, ph.d.
> associate professor - psychology
> webster university
> main webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
> Holocaust and genocide studies pages:
> http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/holocaust.html
> womens' pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/women.html
> gerontology pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/gero.html

Al L. Cone, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair
Department of Psychology                701.252.3467  X 2604
Jamestown College
6019 College Lane                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jamestown, ND 58405                     

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