On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 08:16:25 -0400 "James S. MacDonall" 

> Linda,
>       I'm not sure why you want feedabck on these items.  They are accurate
> statements regarding misunderstandings of radical behaviorism.
>       Basically, many do not understand the distinction between 'Skinnerian'
> or radical behaviorism and what some call methodological behaviorism,
> the type developed by Hull and others.  Many of these statements are not
> misunderstandings of methodological behaviorism.  Skinner was aware of
> the limitations of methodological behaviorism and developed a philosophy
> of science (radical behaviorism) that avoided these limitations.
> Jim


One problem is that many summaries of behaviorism that pop up in 
textbooks are breezy and superficial summaries by people who 
don't know much about the topic.


Kenneth M. Steele                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Associate Professor
Dept. of Psychology
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

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