Greetings Will,
You, too, "need to be held responsible for [your] behaviors" and beliefs.
including those that condemn most of the world's population to damnation
(or,at very least, to lack of salvation) just because they don't believe
the same things that you do. Is it remotely possible that there are many
routes to "salvation?"
Warm Regards,
Hank Goldstein, Ph.D.            |   PHONE:  (319) 588-6305
Department of Psychology         |   FAX:    (319) 588-6789
Clarke College                   |   EMAIL:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dubuque, IA  52001               |
"You can always spot a well-informed person; her/his views are the
same as yours."
  Ilka Chase [paraphrased]

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