Carol DeVolder said, in response to the query concerning why 
eye movements aren't paralyzed during REM sleep:

"Motor signals for eye movements are carried via the 3rd, 4th, 
and 6th cranial nerves and don't pass through the reticular 

The question reminded me of the historically important study of 
Bremer (1937). Working with the cat, he reported on a 
preparation he called the "cerveau isole" [isolated forebrain] in 
which the brain was divided in two through the brainstem. 
Bremer showed using the newly-invented EEG that only slow-
wave electrical activity was present in the upper part of the 
brain, and there were no eye movements. Eye movements 
should have been possible because they are controlled by 
nerves exiting the brain above the level of the cut, namely the 
oculomotor (III) and trochlear (IV) nerves. As Carol noted, this is 
why eye movements are still possible during brainstem-initiated 
paralysis of REM sleep. 

Bremer assumed incorrectly that the failure of wakefulness in 
the cerveau isole preparation was due to the loss of sensory 
input to the brain. A modern interpretation is that it disconnected 
the reticular formation from the upper brain.

See for a discussion by Panksepp of 
this work.  Also, on p. 3 (Fig. 1.2) 
shows the actual illustrations published by Bremer.

On 23 Feb 2010 at 18:49, Serafin, John wrote:
> And while I'm at it, I'll add my own question to this topic, which I've never 
> come up with a good answer to.
> Some species sleep standing up. Why don't they flop over and fall down when 
> they enter REM? 

The answer, I believe, is that they do. If I correctly recall an old 
paper I have somewhere in my files on comparative aspects of 
animal sleep, ungulates such as horses and cows spend a lot of 
time sleeping standing up, but they do enter REM sleep for short 
periods. When they do, they lie down.

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University               
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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