A couple of points before this thread dies a natural death. :-)

Mike Smith wrote of Darwin:
>he also was religious: at least in the
>beginning, as shown by your post that
>"he had ceased to believe". So then,
>Darwin too at least started out religious

Darwin didn't start out religious in any serious sense. He was 
apathetic towards religious ideas (whereas his father and grandfather 
Erasmus were freethinkers), and accepted the tenets of Christianity as 
a young man without giving them much (if any) thought. Once he started 
to think about them in the light of his experience of natural science 
he rejected them.

>and his motivation for engaging in the
>study of the natural world could well
>have been a religious one.

I won't bore you with quotations demonstrating that religious ideas 
played zero role in Darwin's motivation for his life work, and that his 
passion for science and investigation were his motivations, apparent 
when he was still a young boy avidly collecting beetles.

Louis Schmier wrote:
>Newton, for example, felt that his greatest
>work was not the Mathamatica Principia, but
>his commentary on the Bible.

Do we know this for a fact? I know he wrote more on biblical exegesis 
than science (as he did on alchemy), but it doesn't necessarily follow 
he regarded the biblical exegesis as greater than his Principia. 
Einstein spent more time on his efforts (occupying much of the latter 
part of his life) to discover a unified field theory than on any other 
area of physics, but I very much doubt he would have said that these 
efforts constituted his greatest work.

Note I'm not saying that Louis is mistaken, only asking for evidence 
from Newton himself.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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