On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 06:34:59 -0700, michael sylvester wrote:
>Has the placebo effect been observed in animal studies?

First, what do *you* mean by a placebo effect?

Second, the FDA requires a control condition when drugs are
tested on animals.  The control can either be a placebo treatment, 
a no treatment condition, an active treatment condition or a
historical control.  See the Code of Federal Regualtions, Title 21,
Foor and Drugs, Pr. 500-599, Revised as of April 1, 2009
Available on books.google.com; see the following pages:
Animal placebo effects can be determined from examining placebo
conditions with no treatment conditions if they are included in such 
a design (I don't know of any off the top of my head).

Third, a number of researchers have interpreted the placebo effect
in conditioning terms and have conducted studies to test this interpretation
with animals.  Robert Ader summarizes some of this research in the
edited volume "The Placebo Effect".  The reference for this is:

Ader, R. (1997). The role of conditioning in pharmacotherapy. In A. 
Harrington (Ed.), (pp. 138-165). Cambridge, MA, US: Harvard University Press.

And the book is available on books.google.com; see:

-Mike Palij
New York University

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