On 9 August 2011 Beth Benoit wrote:
>Thanks again for the really fun video and for the update
>about Freud's purported erotic moment as a toddler on a
>train.  It does give one pause for thought about how he
>may have occasionally (?) sculpted an event to fit his theory.

For the sake of brevity I omitted an important parenthetical ending to 
the sentence of Freud's that I partially quoted, without which his 
early rationale on the "discovery" of the Oedipus complex cannot be 
fully understood. To the report to Fliess (dated 3 October 1897) of the 
occasion of a train journey from Leipzig to Vienna with his mother when 
he was between two and two-and-a-half years old when "we must have 
spent the night together and there must have been an opportunity of 
seeing her naked" Freud added: "you inferred the consequences of this 
for your son long ago as a remark revealed to me."

This evidently alludes to something Fliess had told Freud about his son 
Robert, who was only one year ten months old at the time of the letter. 
Freud writes "long ago", indicating the event must have occurred when 
Robert was a baby. With justification, Richard Webster infers that 
Fliess's report must have been that he had noticed his baby son had an 
erection, and associated this with (presumably) the presence of his 
wife naked at the time. (*Why Freud Was Wrong*, p. 254.) On such 
fragile foundations was Freud's Oedipus theory built, rather than the 
heroic "self analysis" of mythical psychoanalytic history.

N.B. Unfortunately Richard Webster recently died at the early age of 

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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